Search results for "VV 4.9 New features release notes 11_14"

Blog Post

Understanding the Business Case for Hybrid Viewing

Integrating third-party viewing solutions like Accusoft’s PrizmDoc allow developers to seamlessly incorporate powerful document conversion and viewing capabilities into their web applications to deliver a seamless user experience to their customers. However, building a solution that works great for customers without heavy server reliance, and a fast responsive viewing experience can sometimes be challenging as […]

Blog Post

Top Insurance Trends of 2020 (and InsurTech Projections for 2021)

Although it might feel as though time has been standing still for several months, 2020 is finally coming to an end. It’s been a year of unprecedented disruption for many industries, and insurance companies often found themselves struggling to adapt to change. Firms that had the foresight to invest in digital transformation backed by InsurTech […]

Blog Post

Revolutionize ECM Applications with PrizmDoc’s AI-Driven Auto Tagging and Classification

Independent Software Vendors can help their customers reach their full potential and stop being held back by outdated document management practices. As data volumes continue to skyrocket, last century’s manual filing and sorting methods just don’t cut it anymore. Organizations are seeking new and efficient solutions to bring order to their document chaos. PrizmDoc’s AI-powered […]

Blog Post

Privacy in Practice: Empowering Your Patient Portal with PrizmDoc Cloud API Functionality

  Powerful patient portals are now essential for healthcare organizations to deliver high-quality care, even at a distance. Despite advancements around functionality, however, challenges remain. As noted by Healthcare Info Security, many healthcare providers still struggle with providing solutions to patients in an easily accessible portal that provides the security they require by law. Here, […]

Case Study

cloudPWR Implements PrizmDoc Viewer to Streamline Public Record Requests

Blog Post

How to Flatten PDFs with ImageGear

Although PDFs are one of the most common document types in use today, not every PDF file is identical. A document with multiple layers, annotations, or editable form fields can create significant challenges for an application, especially when it comes to viewing, printing, and OCR reading. One of the most effective ways of dealing with […]

Blog Post

How PrizmDoc Cells Keeps Spreadsheet Formulas Safe and Secure

Document management solutions are well-equipped to handle common file types like DOCX and PDF format. When developers are building software to manage workflows and make files accessible through web-based applications, they can typically turn to HTML5 viewers and document processing integrations to provide the document features their customers require.  When it comes to Microsoft Excel […]



Technical FAQ

The deployment.log for ImageGear C & C++ Deployment Packaging Wizard is showing different output for some components since v19.3, why is this?

Question The logging for ImageGear C & C++ Deployment Packaging Wizard (DPW) is showing different output for some components since v19.3, why is this? In ImageGear C & C++ v19.2 and prior, the DPW had additional logging information for the ARTX component in its deployment.log: Deploying an application that uses the ARTXGUI library of ImageGear […]

Technical FAQ

Why am I seeing an error in pccerrors.log file stating "CloudLicenseValidationFailed"?

Question We are currently using PrizmDoc Cloud licensing. After applying our cloud license, the Prizm services started and show healthy, however, I see “CloudLicenseValidationFailed” errors in the PccErrors.log file. Is this normal, and do I have to worry about Prizm functionality? Answer Currently the licensing messages referencing “CloudLicenseValidationFailed” in PccErrors.log are a false positive and […]


Document Automation: Substantive Evidence

Technical FAQ

How do I specify a password for a document using PrizmDoc?

Question Can PrizmDoc handle password-protected files, such as PDFs or Excel files? How would a user specify a password for a particular document? Answer It is possible to specify the password for a password-protected document when creating a viewing session in PrizmDoc. When sending a request to create a viewing session, you’ll use the password field […]