Technical FAQs


We are planning to upgrade our PrizmDoc Server and PrizmDoc Client to the latest major version. What is the best practice for doing so?


For best results, you will want to follow the instructions below to ensure the cleanest upgrade of the newest version:

NOTE: Before starting, make a backup of the following configuration files for use as reference when re-configuring your new version installation. This should be done before the PrizmDoc installer is run, as all configuration files will be replaced with new ones (resetting them to their default configuration).

  • Prizm Server Configuration: prizm\prizm-services-config.yml

  • Prizm Client Configuration (Windows): prizm\pas\

  • Prizm Client Configuration (Linux): /usr/share/prizm/pas/pcc.nix.yml

  • ServiceHost Configuration: prizm\PCCIS\ServiceHost\pcc.config

How To:

  1. Uninstall the previous version of PrizmDoc Server and PrizmDoc Client. Be sure to delete all PrizmDoc folders that are still present. For Windows you can Find PrizmDoc Server and Prizm Client under Add/Remove Programs. For Linux, please follow instructions below for uninstall instructions.

Linux Prizm/PAS Service Uninstall:

  1. Download the latest version of PrizmDoc for your operating system from

  2. Install PrizmDoc Server first and then the PrizmDoc Client.

  3. At the end of the server installation, the install may request a reboot.

  4. Make a backup of your new configuration files as listed above.

  5. Modify each of the new configuration files and make the same changes as you did in the older configuration files.

NOTE: Do not just replace the new configuration files with the old version configuration files, as new configurations may have been introduced in the new version and they would be lost.

  1. Restart the Prizm Services and Prizm Application Services to ensure the newly configured file changes take affect.

NOTE: If either service fails to start with an error after modifying the configuration files, replace the configuration files with the original copy of the configuration files and try making the changes again.

NOTE: If you are using viewing packages and have an existing database, we provide additional scripts in the \prizm\pas\db folder to modify your existing database. For example, upgrading from PrizmDoc 12.x to PrizmDoc 13.x we provide an additional script addTenantId to add a new field to one of the existing tables.


What is the absolute bare minimum I need to use PrizmDoc Cloud?


This will allow you to load a document via a URL using PrizmDoc Cloud. Just include your PrizmDoc Cloud API key in the POST request headers.

Please note: This is purely intended as a proof-of-concept. You should never include your API key in your client-side Javascript.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
    <!-- Metadata -->
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <meta name="description" content="" />

    <!-- Title -->

    <!-- Libraries -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    <!-- PrizmDoc CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    <!-- Inline Stylesheet -->


    <!-- #viewer -->
    <div id="viewer" class="pccv pcc-full-screen"></div>

    <!-- Libraries -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- PrizmDoc JS -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- Inline Script -->

        let viewingSessionId;
        let viewerControl;

        $(document).ready(function() {
                "type": "POST",
                "url": "",
                "headers": {
                    "acs-api-key": "4lTamQVZmrkqZhH8cZhdu7L0xyhUa3gorcaCFQpA_zmuowZs4zoF39V4IckpnVW_"
                "data": JSON.stringify({
                    "source": {
                        "type": "url",
                        "url": ""
            }).done(function(response) {
                    "acs-api-key": "4lTamQVZmrkqZhH8cZhdu7L0xyhUa3gorcaCFQpA_zmuowZs4zoF39V4IckpnVW_"

                viewingSessionId = response["viewingSessionId"];

                // Initialize viewer
                viewerControl = $("#viewer").pccViewer({ 
                    "documentID": viewingSessionId,
                    "imageHandlerUrl": "",
                    "language": viewerCustomizations.languages["en-US"],
                    "template": viewerCustomizations.template,
                    "icons": viewerCustomizations.icons,
                    "annotationsMode": "LayeredAnnotations"

                viewerControl.on("ViewerReady", function() {



What is the absolute bare minimum I need to use PrizmDoc Cloud?


This will allow you to load a document via a URL using PrizmDoc Cloud. Just include your PrizmDoc Cloud API key in the POST request headers.

Please note: This is purely intended as a proof-of-concept. You should never include your API key in your client-side Javascript.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
    <!-- Metadata -->
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <meta name="description" content="" />

    <!-- Title -->

    <!-- Libraries -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    <!-- PrizmDoc CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    <!-- Inline Stylesheet -->


    <!-- #viewer -->
    <div id="viewer" class="pccv pcc-full-screen"></div>

    <!-- Libraries -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- PrizmDoc JS -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- Inline Script -->

        let viewingSessionId;
        let viewerControl;

        $(document).ready(function() {
                "type": "POST",
                "url": "",
                "headers": {
                    "acs-api-key": "4lTamQVZmrkqZhH8cZhdu7L0xyhUa3gorcaCFQpA_zmuowZs4zoF39V4IckpnVW_"
                "data": JSON.stringify({
                    "source": {
                        "type": "url",
                        "url": ""
            }).done(function(response) {
                    "acs-api-key": "4lTamQVZmrkqZhH8cZhdu7L0xyhUa3gorcaCFQpA_zmuowZs4zoF39V4IckpnVW_"

                viewingSessionId = response["viewingSessionId"];

                // Initialize viewer
                viewerControl = $("#viewer").pccViewer({ 
                    "documentID": viewingSessionId,
                    "imageHandlerUrl": "",
                    "language": viewerCustomizations.languages["en-US"],
                    "template": viewerCustomizations.template,
                    "icons": viewerCustomizations.icons,
                    "annotationsMode": "LayeredAnnotations"

                viewerControl.on("ViewerReady", function() {



Accusoft Banner


A large government agency with millions of employees needed to manage personnel records and payment information while also making documents and images easily accessible for all users. Each document trail spanned the duration of the employee’s time with the agency, resulting in a repository containing hundreds of millions of documents. The existing system used a combination of custom-developed, Windows-based image viewers that were cumbersome, difficult to maintain, and presented security risks. 


As the system struggled to keep up with demand, employees became increasingly frustrated with the system. Rather than viewing documents within the system, they began using workarounds like printing out files or saving them to another device, both of which presented serious security risks since the records contained personally identifiable information. The agency needed a solution that could manage hundreds of millions of documents while still providing users with simple, secure, and quick access to personnel records and payment information. 

Although the document repository’s legacy viewing solution was no longer able to meet the agency’s needs, developing a new document viewer was prohibitively expensive and required expertise its IT team did not possess. Rather than building a solution from scratch, it made more sense to evaluate viewing integrations available on the market. The agency set out to find a viewer that could support multiple document types, including TIFF and PDF/A, for both viewing and archival purposes. Whatever solution the IT team chose to adopt would have to integrate smoothly into the existing legacy system to avoid a costly and time-consuming overhaul. 


After evaluating several options, the agency turned to Accusoft’s PrizmDoc® for Java, formerly VirtualViewer®. As a Java-based viewer that uses HTML5 to render files for viewing, PrizmDoc® for Java would allow the document repository to access files quickly and easily. PrizmDoc® for Java’s extensive file format support allowed the agency to render PDF, Word, Excel, AFP, DWG, TIFF, and more in one universal viewer. The integration’s built-in library eliminated the need for a third-party application or additional license, further simplifying the agency’s document management processes. 

Another key priority was giving employees the ability to access documents from multiple devices. In the past, the system’s legacy viewer only allowed them to open and view documents on a desktop with the right software installed. To streamline the employee experience, the agency required a viewer that could be accessed from any device that supports a web browser, including tablets and smartphones. PrizmDoc® for Java’s true cross-platform support and complete mobility provided the flexibility the agency needed to access documents from anywhere, at any time. The integration’s HTML5 technology and Java-based viewing allowed users to view and manipulate files within the browser, eliminating the need for an external application. 

PrizmDoc® for Java’s quick installation and integration process made it the ideal solution for the agency. Installing PrizmDoc® for Java’s document viewer took less than 10 minutes for proof of concept (POC) testing on any desktop, laptop, or virtual machine. The integration also provided APIs and developer tools to make integrating and leveraging the technology simple and easy, including RESTful content handlers that allowed for a more flexible development and deployment process.


PrizmDoc® for Java’s high-speed viewing for large files allowed document rendering and processing to be split between the server and browser, delivering an extremely high-speed response. The integration’s advanced features, including annotation, redaction, splitting, merging, and more, provided far more functionality than was possible under the legacy viewer. PrizmDoc® for Java’s robust thumbnail panels also simplified working on large documents using full-panel thumbnail displays, as well as the option to adjust thumbnail size. 

By implementing PrizmDoc® for Java, the government agency was able to provide more streamlined access to personnel and payroll records, saving employees and HR personnel time and money while eliminating security and management issues associated with the previous viewing solution. Millions of users are now able to view critical information related to their records via any device that has access to a web browser. PrizmDoc® for Java’s robust document support and easy-to-use interface made it an essential tool for the agency’s document management and collaboration processes. The agency was able to continue using their existing repository system while also gaining the benefits of a modern, user-friendly document viewer.

About Accusoft

Founded in 1991, Accusoft is a software development company specializing in content processing, conversion, and automation solutions. From out-of-the-box and configurable applications to APIs built for developers, Accusoft software enables users to solve their most complex workflow challenges and gain insights from content in any format, on any device. Backed by 40 patents, the company’s flagship products, including Docubee, PrizmDoc Viewer, and ImageGear, are designed to improve productivity, provide actionable data, and deliver results that matter. The Accusoft team is dedicated to continuous innovation through customer-centric product development, new version release, and a passion for understanding industry trends that drive consumer demand. Visit us at  


Enterprises are continuously engaged in a process of evaluating their operations to identify opportunities for improvement. When one of the world’s leading mortgage lenders took a closer look at how it was handling documents to process applications, it quickly recognized the need to implement a solution that would allow them to scale capacity and enable faster loan processing. The company’s diversified businesses included banking, capital markets, and insurance, all of which combined to handle more than $1 trillion in mortgages, with nearly $2 billion in new loans each day.


For many years, the lender had processed applications by hand, entering information from paper and electronic forms into a mortgage processing application. While users had to thumb through paper documents, electronic loan documents were made available through a content management system and a dual-monitor workstation. One screen contained the loan processing application and a list of electronic loan documents. The other screen displayed the selected document and allowed the user to browse its contents. 

In examining their loan purchasing process, the lender discovered that while it took 7-9 days to close a paper document loan, electronic documents closed in just 4-5 days. Unfortunately, the legacy content management system limited scalability and performance, and a grossly underpowered document viewing application further impacted user productivity. The potential revenue gain in expanding their use of electronic documents was enormous – in terms of enhanced efficiency alone. To retain their competitive edge in a challenging market, the lender made the decision to replace their legacy CMS with an enterprise solution.


But in order to realize the full productivity potential of the new enterprise CMS system, the lender also needed to upgrade its client document viewing application. The new viewer needed to provide reliable viewing for various types of electronic forms, including scanned documents, faxes, and emails in TIFF, JPEG, and PDF formats. To meet productivity demands, the first page of each document had to be accessed within two seconds. The technology also had to be entirely web-based since no documents could be stored on a client’s desktop or hard drive due to compliance constraints. From a user experience standpoint, the viewing solution also needed to provide scalable thumbnail rendering, accommodate mouse and keyboard navigation with “hot keys,” and be able to meet rigorous load-testing requirements. 

After a thorough review of available options, the lender selected Accusoft’s PrizmDoc® for Java, formerly VirtualViewer®, HTML5 viewing technology to address its complex functionality and security requirements. Critically, PrizmDoc® for Java supported the lender’s required document set of PDF, TIFF, and JPEG, as well as AFP, PCL, MS Office, and many other important business document formats, which provided the growing lender with additional flexibility for future expansion. The viewer also delivered a variety of thumbnail features, including page rotation sync, full panel view, and adjustable size options. PrizmDoc® for Java’s configurable user interface would also make it easy to implement navigation options and hot keys that enhanced productivity. 

The lender had little time to dedicate to the integration with its new enterprise CMS solution, especially since much of the integration time would be taken up by the load-testing process. Fortunately, PrizmDoc® for Java’s intuitive API made it easy to incorporate the product seamlessly while leaving plenty of time for load testing. 


Replacing their legacy content management system and integrating Accusoft’s powerful PrizmDoc® for Java high-speed HTML5 viewer enabled the lender to achieve its desired performance standards. Because PrizmDoc® for Java is completely web-based and requires no software to be installed on the client’s desktop, the lender could easily roll out a scalable solution that met critical security and business continuity objectives within a single, high-speed viewing application. 

The viewer’s server component renders and delivers individual pages to the client quickly and seamlessly, well within the lender’s required sub-two-second access requirements, even when accessing large, multi-page loan documents in various geographical locations. PrizmDoc®for Java now helps to increase the mortgage lender’s productivity by allowing users to access, view, annotate, and manipulate loan documents on the fly without ever touching the client’s local hard drive.

As a result, the lender can now import daily peak loads of more than half a million documents and deliver them to users across the enterprise in under two seconds, improving their overall mortgage processing time by more than 40 percent.

About Accusoft

Founded in 1991, Accusoft is a software development company specializing in content processing, conversion, and automation solutions. From out-of-the-box and configurable applications to APIs built for developers, Accusoft software enables users to solve their most complex workflow challenges and gain insights from content in any format, on any device. Backed by 40 patents, the company’s flagship products, including Dcoubee, PrizmDoc Viewer, and ImageGear, are designed to improve productivity, provide actionable data, and deliver results that matter. The Accusoft team is dedicated to continuous innovation through customer-centric product development, new version release, and a passion for understanding industry trends that drive consumer demand. Visit us at 


When printing in PrizmDoc, the bottom of my document is being cut off. Why is this happening?

When I download the document as PDF, I do not lose parts of the document. However, if I print the document to PDF, I lose some data off the very bottom (maybe an inch or so).


In PrizmDoc, the page is to "fit to width" onto the paper by design. The bottom of the page will be cut off in cases where the length of the page extends further than the length of the paper. If you’re printing with Letter size paper (the default), it presumes a document that measures 8.50 by 11.00 inches. Suppose your document measures 8.50 x 13.00 inches. That additional 2 inches will be cut off during printing. This is why you may lose parts of the document while printing, but not if you download the document since it’s downloading the document as-is.  

To prevent this from happening, select a paper size large enough for your document (in the viewer print dialog and the system print dialog). Using the previous 8.50 x 13.00 inch example, you can select "Legal" size paper, which measures 8.50 x 14.00 inches, and would be long enough to support that document.

You could also modify your viewer to add a custom paper size if this fits your use case. Below is some sample code demonstrating this in our Viewer sample. You would need to enter your own custom paper sizes.

Changes to printTemplate.html:

    /*custom */
    .portrait { width: 11in; height: 11in; margin: 0 auto !important; }
    .portrait .custom.pageIE { width: 9.5in; height: 9.5in; margin: 0 auto !important; }
    .portrait .custom.pageSafari { width: 8.9in; height: 8.9in; margin: 0 auto !important; }
    .portrait .custom.nomargins { width: 11in !important; height: 11in !important; }
    /* even without margins, Safari enforces the printer's non-printable area */
    .portrait .custom.nomargins.pageSafari { width: 9.32in !important; height: 9.32in !important; }
    .landscape { height: 11in; width: 11in; margin: 0 auto !important; }
    .landscape .custom.pageIE { height: 9.05in; width: 9.05in; margin: 0 auto !important; }
    .landscape .custom.pageSafari { height: 8.4in; width: 8.4in; margin: 0 auto !important; }
    .landscape .custom.nomargins { height: 11in !important; width: 11in !important; }
    .landscape .custom.nomargins.pageSafari { height: 9.32in !important; width: 9.32in !important; }
    /*custom end*/

Changes to printOverlayTemplate.html (last line "Custom" is the only change):

    <select data-pcc-select="paperSize" class="pcc-print-select">
        <!-- US and International-->
        <option value="letter"><%= paperSizes.letter %></option>
        <option value="legal"><%= %></option>
        <option value="tabloid"><%= paperSizes.tabloid %></option>
        <option value="foolscap"><%= paperSizes.foolscap %></option>
        <!-- A formats-->
        <option value="a3"><%= paperSizes.a3 %></option>
        <option value="a4"><%= paperSizes.a4 %></option>
        <option value="a5"><%= paperSizes.a5 %></option>
        <!-- Architectural-->
        <option value="a6"><%= paperSizes.a6 %></option>
        <option value="a"><%= paperSizes.a %></option>
        <option value="b"><%= paperSizes.b %></option>
        <option value="c"><%= paperSizes.c %></option>
        <option value="d"><%= paperSizes.d %></option>
        <option value="e"><%= paperSizes.e %></option>
        <option value="e1"><%= paperSizes.e1 %></option>
        <option value="custom">Custom</option>

Additionally, if you would like to change the default selected page size you can add selected to it as follows:

<option value=\"a4\" selected><%= paperSizes.a4 %></option>

Why am I unable to see the full menu bar with annotation and eSignature options?


These features are part of our Professional version. If you would like to evaluate the full feature set, please submit a request for a trial key here.


What is the proper way of using affinity tokens in cluster mode where multiple file IDs using multiple affinity tokens need to be combined?


If you are using PrizmDoc Server in cluster (multi-server) mode, and you are using Content Conversion Services to merge multiple files into one, or whenever multiple file ids using multiple affinity tokens need to be combined; your requests need to use a single affinity token. Because affinity tokens need to go in the header, you might think you are required to include all/both of the files’ affinity tokens in the header.

If you find yourself in this situation, the correct method is to re-use the first affinity token you get for all subsequent resources you create. For example, if you create a work file, you’ll get an affinity token back in the response. That affinity token needs to be set in the Accusoft-Affinity-Token request header of any subsequent resources (work files, content converter, viewing sessions, etc.) that you create later and want to use together.

An example is located here:

The main takeaway here is that the initial request that is made to the server for a workfile will return an affinity token. This very same affinity token must be used in the header Accusoft-Affinity-Token for all subsequent requests in this conversion/stitching process.

The most relevant quote from that page is:

“In cluster mode, the PrizmDoc Server API will automatically generate an affinity token when it receives a POST request for a new ViewingSession, WorkFile, MarkupBurner, RedactionCreator, or ContentConverter resource and return it in the response. Once you have obtained an affinity token, you will need to pass this in with related requests using the Accusoft-Affinity-Token HTTP custom header.”

Here is a separate custom example of stitching two TIFF images together by converting them to a PDF.

First TIFF image

Request with no affinity token:

POST /PCCIS/V1/WorkFile HTTP/1.1
Host: prizmdocservername:18681
Content-Type: application/octet-stream


    "fileId": "I3GRFEfrw_K8fX4VJ7Z1bQ",
    "fileExtension": "tif",
    "affinityToken": "ZSTudgjA42h1CVCj0KkGuYiKn5nEFhmFrvA0AkMxDxc="

Second TIFF image


POST /PCCIS/V1/WorkFile HTTP/1.1
Host: prizmdocservername:18681
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ZSTudgjA42h1CVCj0KkGuYiKn5nEFhmFrvA0AkMxDxc=


    "fileId": "I-CTRdFnaL8FLNQDUawTHw",
    "fileExtension": "tif",
    "affinityToken": "ZSTudgjA42h1CVCj0KkGuYiKn5nEFhmFrvA0AkMxDxc="

Content Conversion


POST /v2/contentConverters HTTP/1.1
Host: prizmdocservername:18681
Content-Type: application/json
Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ZSTudgjA42h1CVCj0KkGuYiKn5nEFhmFrvA0AkMxDxc=

    "input": {
        "sources": [
                "fileId": "I3GRFEfrw_K8fX4VJ7Z1bQ"
                "fileId": "I-CTRdFnaL8FLNQDUawTHw"
        "dest": {
            "format": "pdf"


    "input": {
        "dest": {
            "format": "pdf",
            "pdfOptions": {
                "forceOneFilePerPage": false
        "sources": [
                "fileId": "I3GRFEfrw_K8fX4VJ7Z1bQ",
                "pages": ""
                "fileId": "I-CTRdFnaL8FLNQDUawTHw",
                "pages": ""
    "expirationDateTime": "2018-10-03T19:12:52.005Z",
    "processId": "1u6k5Y_l7yRfhWyfL1t4Yw",
    "state": "processing",
    "percentComplete": 0,
    "affinityToken": "ZSTudgjA42h1CVCj0KkGuYiKn5nEFhmFrvA0AkMxDxc="

Content Conversion Request:


GET /v2/contentConverters/1u6k5Y_l7yRfhWyfL1t4Yw HTTP/1.1
Host: prizmdocservername:18681
Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ZSTudgjA42h1CVCj0KkGuYiKn5nEFhmFrvA0AkMxDxc=

Content Conversion Complete Response:

    "input": {
        "dest": {
            "format": "pdf",
            "pdfOptions": {
                "forceOneFilePerPage": false
        "sources": [
                "fileId": "I3GRFEfrw_K8fX4VJ7Z1bQ",
                "pages": ""
                "fileId": "I-CTRdFnaL8FLNQDUawTHw",
                "pages": ""
    "expirationDateTime": "2018-10-03T19:12:52.005Z",
    "processId": "1u6k5Y_l7yRfhWyfL1t4Yw",
    "state": "complete",
    "percentComplete": 100,
    "output": {
        "results": [
                "fileId": "tK4UbzryHWFoqOC6JJAjAg",
                "sources": [
                        "fileId": "I3GRFEfrw_K8fX4VJ7Z1bQ",
                        "pages": "1"
                        "fileId": "I-CTRdFnaL8FLNQDUawTHw",
                        "pages": "1"
                "pageCount": 2

Download The WorkFile:


GET /PCCIS/V1/WorkFile/1u6k5Y_l7yRfhWyfL1t4Yw HTTP/1.1
Host: prizmdocservername:18681
Accusoft-Affinity-Token: ZSTudgjA42h1CVCj0KkGuYiKn5nEFhmFrvA0AkMxDxc=


TAMPA, FLA. (Nov. 2, 2021) – OnTask, a workflow automation and eSignature tool, has launched a new Health Tracking platform providing unmatched flexibility for companies to track employees’ vaccination records, exemption requests, COVID test results, health screenings, and wellness status.

The affordable and secure cloud-based system can be used with any device and from any location, making it simple for both employees and the human resources department to use.

Employees can access OnTask Health Tracking to submit important information, like proof of vaccination documents and COVID test results, and use an eSignature to certify authenticity of the information. It’s as easy as clicking a link or scanning a QR code from any device – employees don’t need to create an account, set a password, or install an app.

Once an employee submits information, OnTask Health Tracking routes the information to the appropriate people or departments, depending on the automation rules for notification and approval that the company sets. Each company has the ability to set the specific configurations that work best for the company’s workflow.

“We developed the OnTask Health Tracking platform to be simple for the user and a powerful tool for the company,” said Steve Wilson, president of OnTask. “It saves the HR department time by making health tracking simple and efficient.”

The platform’s pre-built workflow templates are quickly configured to fit within any company’s operations, allowing a company to start using OnTask Health Tracking within hours. Once configured, it’s simple for users to make adjustments to the workflow as mandates or business needs change, or OnTask’s support team can quickly make changes for an employer.

OnTask Health Tracking is a secure, timely, and efficient way for employers to comply with existing federal mandates and recently released Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidance around COVID-19. Its flexible platform allows employers to quickly adjust to changing legal requirements over time, including automatically timing and tracking when proof of vaccine boosters may be required.

In addition, repetitive document-centric HR tasks like onboarding new employees, managing PTO requests, and submitting expenses can move into the OnTask platform, making it useful long after the pandemic.

The platform is already gaining attention for its innovation. OnTask Health Tracking was recognized as a Top Vaccine Management Software Vendor by Select Software Reviews and featured in SaaSHub’s weekly trending products. It’s also a finalist for Tampa Bay Tech’s 2021 Tech Project of the Year.

View demo videos and additional information about the benefits of using OnTask Health Tracking at


About OnTask

OnTask is a workflow automation tool that makes it easy for small to mid-sized businesses to digitally send and fill forms, get signatures on documents and automate overall business processes, saving time and resources. OnTask is a flagship product of Tampa-based software company Accusoft, which holds more than 40 patents for its software technologies that are designed to solve complex workflow challenges, improve productivity, provide actionable data, and deliver results that matter. For more information on OnTask, visit

TAMPA, Fla. –  Accusoft is proud to announce its new VP of Sales, Greg Barker. This leadership shift in the sales team will empower Accusoft to focus on new growth strategies. 

As Vice President of Sales, Greg will lead Accusoft’s sales, support, and customer success teams, while driving strong top and bottom line impacts across the organization. 

“As a growing company in Tampa Bay, we need a sales leader that can set a growth strategy to propel us forward,” says Jack Berlin, CEO of Accusoft. “We are excited to announce that Greg Barker will now be leading the sales team with a new forward-thinking strategy that strengthens our approach and empowers our sales professionals to excel.”

Greg Barker has held executive roles at Greenway Health, Kelly Services, and most notably, Oracle. As Vice President of Oracle’s Industry Business Unit, Greg was responsible for Oracle’s go-to-market strategy and mergers-and-acquisitions across their entire product portfolio. Prior to joining Oracle, Greg served in the United States Air Force for 10 years, where he ended his military career working in the intelligence community at the Pentagon. Greg holds a BS in Computer and Information Sciences from the University of Maryland.

To learn more about Accusoft’s management team, please visit our website at

About Accusoft: 

Founded in 1991, Accusoft is a software development company specializing in content processing, conversion, and automation solutions. From out-of-the-box and configurable applications to APIs built for developers, Accusoft software enables users to solve their most complex workflow challenges and gain insights from content in any format, on any device. Backed by 40 patents, the company’s flagship products, including OnTask, PrizmDoc™ Viewer, and ImageGear, are designed to improve productivity, provide actionable data, and deliver results that matter. The Accusoft team is dedicated to continuous innovation through customer-centric product development, new version release, and a passion for understanding industry trends that drive consumer demand. Visit us at