Search results for "VV 4.9 New features release notes 11_14"

Blog Post

Streamlining Data Capture in the Age of COVID-19 with FormSuite for Structured Forms

  When it comes to the COVID-19 crisis, the only constant is change. As noted by Insurance Business Magazine, this creates a “growing opportunity” for insurance firms to embrace digital transition and improve their processes — provided they can quickly embrace insurance claim form automation to underpin underwriters’ efficiency. This is no small task. From […]


Accusoft in the News

Technical FAQ

Why are some documents unable to be converted to PDF/A by ImageGear .NET?

Question We are saving files to the PDF/A standard and are running into a few cases where the file cannot be saved as PDF/A by ImageGear .NET. Why is this, and how do we do it properly? Answer First, determine whether a PDF document can be converted to PDF/A by creating an ImGearPDFPreflight object from […]

Blog Post

OCR vs ICR: What’s the Difference?

The days of manually transcribing scanned documents into an editable, digital document are thankfully long behind most organizations. Error-prone manual processes have largely given way to automated document and forms processing technology that can turn scanned documents into a more manageable form with a much higher degree of accuracy.  Much of transition was made possible […]

Blog Post

Elevate Your ECM Platform with AI-Powered Auto Summarization

Businesses of all sizes grapple with the complexities of managing and processing documents. The sheer volume of documents alone can be overwhelming. Manual tasks like data entry and document classification take up valuable time. Extracting relevant information from lengthy documents is another major hurdle.  Fortunately, Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Document Management Software (DMS) solutions […]

Blog Post

How FinTech Accounting Software Is Overcoming Spreadsheet Challenges

Electronic spreadsheets have been a mainstay of business operations since their introduction four decades ago, but the way organizations use them has changed significantly during that time. Today, the financial industry needs FinTech accounting software that facilitates online spreadsheet collaboration without creating unnecessary risk or disrupting workflows.  Spreadsheets in the Tax and Accounting Industry Although […]



Blog Post

How to Build a Fully-Functional LMS

Post-secondary schools look very different this year as colleges and universities embrace both blended learning and online-only approaches to content delivery and engagement. But this isn’t a one-off operation. Even as pandemic pressures ease, the shift to distance learning as the de facto solution for many students won’t disappear.  As a result, it’s critical for […]

Blog Post

Achieving the Best Results with the Accusoft OCR Component in FormSuite

An automated forms processing solution can significantly improve accuracy and efficiency when it comes to managing large quantities of documents containing structured content. Whether an organization needs to digitize existing records or is continuously processing new documents within application workflows, having a versatile optical character recognition (OCR) component working to identify and extract text from […]

Blog Post

Enhance Your Digital Vault with PrizmDoc Cells

Security is everything for organizations when it comes to their sensitive data assets. Whether it’s vital documents, account passwords, or proprietary financial formulas, essential business information needs to be well-protected as companies continue to incorporate digital platforms into their operations. Developers can support this critical goal by providing secure digital vault applications that allow their […]

Blog Post

Getting Under the Hood with PrizmDoc Viewer

Adding viewing and document conversion capabilities to an application can be a daunting task, especially when a development team is facing resource constraints and a tight schedule. That’s why many developers turn to API-based viewing integrations like Accusoft PrizmDoc Viewer instead of building those features from the ground up. By leveraging the versatile power of […]

Blog Post

Why Your Flattened PDFs Still Need to Be Securely Redacted to Protect Sensitive Content

Redacting documents is critically important for legal departments and government agencies. By removing sensitive information from a digital file before sharing it publicly, it’s possible to protect private data or classified materials from being exposed.  In the days before digital documents, redaction involved a simple, if crude, process of covering text with a black marker. […]