Technical FAQs


As a customer, I want to know the anticipated amount of time that you will continue supporting my specific version so that I can plan our releases ahead of time.


We currently have our Support Policy located below.
Please see the section named Product Versions


With a fully-running PrizmDoc environment (version prior to v10.5), I’m noticing times where the system becomes unresponsive. That is, at some point, it no longer processes requests being made to the backend and I have to restart PrizmDoc in order to alleviate it. What could be causing this?


Prior to version 10.5, PrizmDoc used ProxyServer as its image processing system. Our Development Team eventually began seeing that the ProxyServer exhibited architectural problems that lead to a multitude of issues, such as unresponsiveness.

Starting in version 10.5, the Development Team created the Prizm Content Connect Imaging Service (PCCIS), which is far more stable.

To resolve this issue we suggest upgrading to the latest revision of PrizmDoc. Please see the product page for more information found here:


In PrizmDoc, my document appears to be small on the page relative to the viewer. How can I fix this?

enter image description here


By default, PrizmDoc renders a PDF file according to the MediaBox, which is normally the same as CropBox, though sometimes this is not the case. The larger area you see in the PrizmDoc Viewer is the size of the MediaBox. Please note that the product provides the fileTypes.pdf.pageBoundaries control option (or useCropBox in the older versions) to change the default behavior. Try setting the option to cropBox in the Central Configuration File in order to get the PDF content rendered according to the CropBox. You can read more about configuring image frame rendering in our documentation here.

For additional reading, see on “User Space” of Adobe’s PDF 1.7 specification:

Note: In some older versions of PrizmDoc, there exists an issue where setting the pageBoundaries field to cropBox can cause light blurring/distorting on the page. This issue was addressed in version 13.4.


Curious as to how to use PrizmDoc with Node.JS and HTML? You’ve found the right video! Watch as a Technical Support Rep takes you through the PrizmDoc Node.JS and HTML GitHub sample.

For additional information, please visit PrizmDoc!  To learn more about Accusoft, please visit


Curious about how to use PrizmDoc with Node.JS and React? You’ve found the right video! Watch as a Technical Support Rep takes you through the PrizmDoc Node.JS and React GitHub sample.

For additional information, please visit PrizmDoc!  To learn more about Accusoft, please visit

JRMC’s Information Systems (IS) department maintains all the equipment and software within its facility. The center uses multiple applications for clinical documentation within all the areas of the hospital, and an electronic medical record system (EMR) which serves as the main documentation entry point. They were looking for viewing support on their EMR product since it plays a critical role in providing our clinical staff with electronic access to patient charts and other important data. JRMC began researching image viewers for the ability to open MO:DCA-formatted documents, specifically our MO:DCA images. 



Join us for an engaging webinar with Dan Lee, Senior Product Manager at Accusoft, as we unravel the potential of AI for revolutionizing document management within your ECM.


Key Insights to be Discussed:

  • Document Automation with AI
    Learn how AI technologies can streamline document-related tasks, such as data extraction, classification, and indexing
  • Document Search and Retrieval Enhancement
    Discover the transformative power of AI-driven semantic search, enhancing document navigation and boosting decision-making and productivity.
  • Security and Compliance
    Explore how AI plays a pivotal role in bolstering document security and ensuring compliance with industry regulations.

This webinar will delve into real-world cases showcasing PrizmDoc AI Integrations for PII identification within documents.

Key Take-Aways:

  • How to configure PrizmDoc AI to identify PII in documents in your environment
  • How to use PrizmDoc AI for PII detection
  • Understanding of potential future PrizmDoc AI Integrations to further streamline your document workflow

Don’t miss this opportunity to shape the future of document management with AI.

development team
It doesn’t matter if you are a small startup or an enterprise giant, or if you have in-house development teams or contractors. The effectiveness of your tech teams is an integral part of your business success and strategic growth.

We live in a world driven by technology, and technology is changing fast. Companies can’t escape this reality. It’s either evolve with technology or become extinct. Don’t take my word for it. Think about the evolution of technology in industries like transportation (Uber), retail (Amazon), and video (Netflix). You can try to escape reality, but you will probably fail.

One of the first things that comes to mind when talking about software development teams is to ask if teams are absolutely necessary. Can’t we rely on individual tech professionals instead of teams working for our companies? Maybe the whole is not more than the sum of its parts?

The fact is that, in general, teams outperform individuals. When people work in a team toward a common goal, they combine their skills. In a team, individual performance increases, and people are able to solve more complex problems, efficiently and effectively.

My name is Joshua Candamo. I’m a technology leader with a PhD in computer science. My background is pretty diverse, and includes considerable experience programming as well as over 14 years of technology leadership.

I am currently a Director of Development for Accusoft, a software development company specializing in content processing, conversion, and automation solutions. My engineering group collaborates with about 40 people including in-house software developers, offshore contractors, technical writers, product management, quality, marketing, and sales professionals.

I want to share what I’ve learned from my personal experience of building development teams over the last 14 years, and a few useful tips to doing so successfully.

Without further ado, let’s talk about the three simple things that I found can make or break development teams.

To get started, let’s point out the obvious. Don’t fight nature; embrace it.

If you try to plant a rose in the middle of the desert, it will most certainly die.

You can’t fight nature. However, if you understand nature, you can embrace it and make decisions that align with it.

You can simply build a greenhouse in a harsh environment and succeed at growing a rose pretty much anywhere. Using the same logic, there are some foundational pieces that you have to anticipate in order to build a successful team. Avoiding basic considerations of team building will likely make your development team fail or underperform.

Team building is a broad and complex topic. And, it’s also a topic that I’m passionate about. Not everything around team building is complicated. However, most initiatives require a methodical approach to correctly execute them.

I’ll go over three ideas that are straightforward to implement, and don’t require major capital investment. Learn more in the rest of my article here.



Josh Candamo, Director of SDKs

Josh Candamo, Director of SDKs

Joshua Candamo, PhD, Development Director for the SDK product group, oversees the development and maintenance of 22 of Accusoft SDK imaging products. He believes that your most valuable intellectual property has nothing to do with patents or technology, but everything to do with your people. He is passionate about team building and creating the right corporate culture to develop amazing software products. Josh joined Accusoft in 2015 after a career in software development that included technology leadership, entrepreneurship, consulting, and both back-end and front-end development. He holds a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of South Florida, specializing in pattern recognition and image processing.

barcode capture document workflows

Managing high volumes of documents can quickly become a burden for even the most resourceful businesses. Implementing some form of document management system is essential for keeping up with the steady tide of files that need to be identified, sorted, and routed to the proper workflows. Many developers are turning to barcode capture software as a means of rapidly integrating those essential content processing features into their applications.

Barcode Data Capture

Organizations are always seeking out new ways to maximize efficiency when it comes to business processes. Sometimes, however, the ideal solution doesn’t involve some new innovation, but rather a new application of existing technology.

Barcodes have been a mainstay of the retail and logistics industries for decades. They have proven themselves to be an efficient means of tracking items as they move through a supply chain and instantly providing data that would take time and effort to obtain manually. By simply reading a barcode, software systems can immediately connect an item to information stored in a database, which improves both efficiency and accuracy for any use case that involves managing assets.

While most people associate them with physical items, barcodes are increasingly moving out of the warehouse and into the digital office. Document capture automation software and enterprise content management systems can both leverage barcode technology to help streamline workflows and make it easier to manage complex document databases.

Integrating Barcodes into Document Management Solutions

Documents remain an integral component of large and small businesses alike. From financial records and human resources data to customer-facing forms and legal contracts, organizations both generate and gather documents at an incredible rate. Without some way of managing digital files automatically, they’re forced to rely on manual processes like visually matching account numbers or tracking IDs and laboriously reviewing every document to determine where it needs to be sorted.

Barcodes offer a convenient and relatively simple way of integrating automated data capture into a document management system. Rather than building out countless templates or relying on sophisticated machine learning software to identify different types of documents, developers can instead assign unique barcodes to documents as they enter an automated workflow. Barcode capture software can then quickly read the barcode to instantly identify the document and route it to the appropriate destination.

For instance, an insurance application form submitted by a potential customer may need to be pushed through to an adjustor’s workflow, but another form that provides supplemental information about the account might be safely routed to the customer’s file for future reference. Barcodes make it possible for the document management application to accurately identify every type of document travelling through the system, ensuring that everything ends up in the proper destination.

For larger, multi-page documents, barcodes also help ensure that individual pages are kept together in a batch. All documents in a series can be labeled with a barcode, which reduces the risk of pages being lost or mixed up with pages from another batch. This is especially important for organizations that scan physical documents into digital form. Since every document has a barcode, the document management system will automatically know what it is, what other documents are associated with it, and where it needs to be stored as soon as it’s scanned into the system. There’s no need to waste time and resources manually classifying or organizing documents as they’re scanned.

5 Benefits of Barcode Data Capture

  1. Speed and Efficiency: Incorporating barcodes into a document management solution streamlines workflows by eliminating the need to sort files by hand. They also make it easier to retrieve information quickly to accelerate other business practices.
  2. Accuracy: Barcodes ensure that documents are processed correctly and routed to the proper workflows. Since scanning occurs automatically, common human errors like misread document ID numbers or incorrect keystrokes are largely eliminated.
  3. Cost Savings: A reliable and simple technology to implement, barcode capture software is easier to implement and maintain than more sophisticated machine learning tools that perform similar document management functions.
  4. Flexibility: While ideal for document management, barcodes can be applied to almost any business practice that involves tracking and information retrieval. Barcode data capture technology adapts easily to different departmental use cases within an organization.
  5. Productivity: Transitioning to an automated document management system not only increases processing speeds, but also frees up valuable resources. Employees spend less time sorting and searching for documents, allowing them to focus their efforts on higher value tasks that will help an organization grow.

Enhance Your Data Capture Potential with Barcode Xpress

Accusoft’s Barcode Xpress is a versatile barcode SDK that integrates easily into your application to provide support for more than 30 distinct barcode types. Capable of reading and writing both 1D and 2D barcodes, Barcode Xpress has been optimized for speed and accuracy with regard to document processing. Locate and recognize barcodes anywhere on the page within milliseconds to extract vital data that can be passed along to your document management solution.

Barcode Xpress uses a flexible processing system that can read damaged, poorly printed, and skewed barcodes with ease. With a reading speed of up to 1,000 pages per minute, this powerful SDK can easily meet the content management needs of any business. Start your free trial to see how you can implement Barcode Xpress within your current application environment.

In this video, viewers will gain insights into leveraging AI for document automation, focusing on tasks like data extraction, classification, and indexing. Dan Lee, Senior Product Manager, explores how AI-driven semantic search can enhance document navigation, decision-making, and productivity. He emphasizes the importance of AI in bolstering document security and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. He explains real-world cases featuring PrizmDoc AI Integrations for personally identifiable information (PII) identification within documents. The key takeaways include learning how to configure PrizmDoc AI for PII detection, utilizing it effectively, and anticipating potential future integrations to streamline document workflows.

How PrizmDoc’s Video Playback Feature Enhances Legal Applications

Video playback has become an indispensable feature for today’s applications, reflecting the evolution of user preferences and the ubiquity of multimedia content in our digital age. As the consumption of video content surges, from tutorials, entertainment, and online courses to marketing materials and user-generated content, applications that offer smooth and versatile video playback capabilities cater directly to this user demand, enhancing engagement and retention rates.

Moreover, video communicates complex ideas efficiently, appeals to visual learners, and often enhances user experience with a richer, more immersive medium. In today’s highly competitive digital marketplace, integrating robust video playback functionality can be the deciding factor for an application’s success, ensuring that it meets contemporary user expectations and remains relevant in a video-centric digital ecosystem.

Introducing PrizmDoc Video Playback

Given the growing importance of video, the Accusoft engineering team has incorporated video playback into PrizmDoc’s growing feature set. PrizmDoc has long made it easy to integrate seamless document viewing into web-based applications, but the new video playback feature now allows developers to natively embed video functionality into their software. Thanks to PrizmDoc video playback, there’s no longer any need to host videos on external sites or rely upon vulnerable software plugins to incorporate videos into their application workflows.

The new video playback feature carries on PrizmDoc’s longstanding tradition of efficiency and outstanding performance by delivering high quality video content with minimal processing lags and accommodating multiple file formats. As with other PrizmDoc features, developers can quickly incorporate video playback through a simple API call. This makes it easy to roll out video features without having to build complex functionality from scratch.

Video Playback Benefits for Legal Applications

The legal industry stands to benefit immensely from the use of video playback. Incorporating video features into LegalTech applications allows legal teams to work more effectively and deliver better services to their clients. Here are just a few of the benefits of video playback for the legal industry:

Better Case Preparation

Incorporating video playback functionality into legal software revolutionizes the way lawyers work and offers them unprecedented advantages in case preparation and courtroom representation. With video playback, lawyers can revisit crucial deposition testimonies, witness interviews, or surveillance footage at the touch of a button, eliminating the need for extensive manual sifting through transcripts or notes. This visual evidence can be used to enhance comprehension, validate statements, and build more persuasive arguments. 

With the growing use of virtual court proceedings, having integrated video playback capabilities ensures that legal professionals can present key evidence seamlessly, without toggling between multiple platforms. In essence, video playback in legal software streamlines processes, promotes meticulous case analysis, and provides lawyers with a compelling tool to bolster their arguments and client representation.

Improved Communication & Collaboration

Video playback in legal applications offers a transformative advantage by enhancing communication and collaboration among stakeholders. Unlike traditional methods, video captures the nuances of testimonies, allowing viewers to discern tone, emotion, and non-verbal cues often lost in written transcripts. This depth can be particularly evident when observing video depositions, where the demeanor and specific phrasing of witnesses are critical. Additionally, complex scenarios or events can be better understood when demonstrated through video, making it an indispensable tool for lawyers when explaining intricate case details to clients or colleagues.

This sensory-rich medium allows lawyers to brief their teams more effectively, reducing reliance on memory or textual notes, ensuring everyone remains aligned, and facilitating strategic discussions. Clients, too, benefit immensely. Video content can demystify the often-complex legal processes, empowering them with a clearer understanding of proceedings and making them active participants in their cases. Furthermore, when videos are shared with opposing counsel, it can improve transparency and potentially lead to faster resolutions by pinpointing areas of agreement or contention, thereby laying the groundwork for more informed negotiations.

Increased Efficiency

The integration of video playback within legal applications presents a notable advantage in increasing efficiency for legal professionals. In the past, the absence of built-in playback capabilities meant that lawyers often had to download and launch videos in separate external applications, causing interruptions in their workflow. Now, with the advent of direct video playback in the document viewing interface, there’s a seamless transition between reading textual documents and viewing related video content. This streamlined process ensures that lawyers and their teams no longer grapple with the cumbersome process of managing external video files, thereby saving valuable time.

By consolidating tasks within a singular interface, legal professionals can maintain their focus, review case materials more swiftly, and ultimately make more informed decisions without the constant shift between applications. The simplicity and efficiency offered by this integration not only optimize legal workflows but also enhance the user experience, leading to more agile and effective case management.

Enhance LegalTech Applications with PrizmDoc Video Playback

PrizmDoc’s new video playback feature delivers tremendous benefits for legal applications. This enhancement empowers legal professionals to integrate and access video content directly within their LegalTech software, eliminating the need for third-party platforms or external tools. As a result, users experience a swifter and more cohesive workflow, particularly when cross-referencing between legal documents and relevant videos. By consolidating these capabilities and minimizing associated costs, LegalTech software developers can channel their efforts and resources into innovating further, ensuring that their applications remain at the forefront of a rapidly evolving industry landscape.

To learn more about how PrizmDoc’s video playback feature can benefit your LegalTech application, talk to one of Accusoft’s PrizmDoc specialists today.

document redaction

Many professionals in highly regulated industries like legal, healthcare, and government handle a myriad of cases, contracts, and forms. However, collaborating on documents comes with a risk. Sharing personally identifiable information (PII) with the wrong person can cause chaos and even result in a lawsuit. That’s why redaction is so paramount to collaboration in so many industries. Where manual paper processes once required a permanent marker, digital solutions now offer redaction capabilities that work even better. 

Redaction removes key pieces of information — including sentences, images, and even entire pages — while leaving the bulk of the document’s text intact. Although many tools now empower organizations to “burn in” data redaction so it can’t be removed, they don’t allow users to indicate multiple reasons for redaction. 

Many solutions offer a coding system that enables users to tag a piece of redacted information with a single reason code that signifies why the data was hidden. However, they lack the ability to add those reasons while you are redacting, which could save time and effort. Just think of how large some of these files could be, and how manually adding comments throughout the document could take hours after you’ve already finished reviewing the content.

This creates additional pressure from viewers to understand the purpose of redaction, and potential reporting issues if the reason for redaction isn’t properly recorded. Solutions that permit the addition of redaction reasons can help defend key data and close this communications gap.

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Secure Data Sharing

As noted by CNN, government documents are often partially redacted to obscure personal data such as social security numbers or military information related to intelligence data gathering and applications. Consider a U.S. intelligence agency report made public by FOIA request. 

While the Freedom of Information Act forms a critical part of open, effective democracy, data in the report that suddenly becomes public domain — such as the names of confidential sources or the methods used to obtain information about foreign government actions — could jeopardize both the ability of the agency to do its job and put human lives at risk.

Most government redactions expire and are automatically declassified after 50 years, but agencies can also obtain permission for special exemptions which prevent the redaction from being removed. For example, redaction reason 3.3(h)(1)(a) is used to protect the identity of a classified human intelligence source and is exempt from automatic expiration.

There are currently nine FOIA exemptions that are withheld from public release and protected from disclosure. When a portion of a record is withheld from public release, an exemption code may be found listed in the margin. The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s list below showcases what exemption codes are subject to FOIA data withholding:

  • (b)(1) (A) Specifically authorized under criteria by an executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy and (B) are in fact properly classified to such Executive Order #12958 (3/25/03).
  • (b)(2) Related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency.
  • (b)(3) Specifically exempted from disclosure by statute (other than section 552b of this title), provided that such statute (A) requires that the matters be withheld from the public in such a manner as to leave no discretion on issue or (B) establishes particular criteria for withholding or refers to particular types of matters to be withheld.
  • (b)(4) Trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential.
  • (b)(5) Inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or letters that would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency.
  • (b)(6) Personnel and medical files and similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
  • (b)(7) Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information:
  • A. Could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings;
  • B. Would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication;
  • C. Could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;
  • D. Could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of confidential source, including a state, local, or foreign agency or authority or any private institution that furnished information on a confidential basis, and, in the case of a record or information compiled by a criminal law enforcement authority in the course of a criminal investigation or by an agency conducting a lawful national security intelligence investigation, information furnished by a confidential source;
  • E. Would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law, or;
  • F. Could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety or any individual.
  • (b)(8) Contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf of, or for the use of an agency responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions.
  • (b)(9) Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps concerning wells.

Given these extensive reasons, we can start to understand how there might be reason to include multiple FOIA exemption codes for one piece of redacted information.

Regulatory Compliance & Document Security

For many organizations, adding redaction reasons to shared or publicly-available documents isn’t mandatory, but it can help reduce the risk of both legal and compliance challenges. 

Consider a redacted court document shared as part of an eDiscovery process. Without a custom redaction reason, other parties may challenge the necessity of your redaction, especially if no contextual evidence indicates its necessity. 

Compliance audits also pose a potential problem. If years or even decades-old documents don’t contain redaction reasons — and the originals aren’t easily located — your organization could face increased regulatory oversight.

Take for example the healthcare industry. There are several clinical studies that require peer review. To keep biases at bay and personal information secure, redaction is critical to the adjudication process. Think about a clinical trial that has specific events related to a test subject. That test subject has participated in a trial for an incentive. 

However, that person did not agree to share his or her personal information with a broad audience. Once the panel of experts reviews the results of a clinical trial, the research goes on public record. It’s crucial to protect the participants involved and their PII to ensure that no harm comes to them.

Many document viewing tools make it possible to add single redaction reasons to released documents, but what happens if your organization is dealing with multiple data types? Look for a solution that enables you to add multiple redaction reasons or codes to clarify your intent and keep data secure.