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Blog Post

Why Upgrading Technology in Businesses Matters Now More Than Ever

Periods of great disruption often have a way of presenting opportunities to companies willing to make the right investments in the future. That’s been especially true of the COVID-19 pandemic, which demonstrated that many organizations are, in fact, capable of implementing rapid and sweeping technology changes when they prioritize such initiatives. A survey of executives […]

Blog Post

Building the Next Generation of FinTech Investment Solutions

The world of investment technology moves almost as quickly as the investment markets themselves. Without the right FinTech tools, today’s individual investors are likely to be left behind the latest financial trends. That’s why FinTech investment solutions are once again becoming a major point of emphasis for developers looking to expand access to key financial […]

Blog Post

Looking Ahead to LegalTech Trends in a Post-Pandemic World

For many years, the legal industry proved resistant to the changes that were pushing other organizations toward digital transformation. Although the serious shocks of the 2008 financial crisis were not enough to spark a revolution in LegalTech automation, they did at least get many firms to start thinking differently about how they deployed technology.  After […]

Blog Post

Building the Next Generation of InsurTech Solutions

Although often considered a bit old fashioned, the insurance industry has made great strides in recent years to adapt to the changing needs of its customers. The latest generation of insurance customers expects faster service, better support, and more options from providers. Given these pressures, it’s no surprise that InsurTech developers have found ample opportunities […]

Blog Post

FinTech Projections for 2021

Few organizations will view the final weeks of 2020 as a bittersweet moment. In addition to the staggering human toll inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic, entire industries saw longstanding business models upended, forcing companies to completely rethink their relationships with employees, vendors, and customers. The financial services industry was no exception, and 2020 saw FinTech […]

Blog Post

A Government Agency Leverages PrizmDoc® for Java to Manage Millions of Personnel Records

Introduction A large government agency with millions of employees needed to manage personnel records and payment information while also making documents and images easily accessible for all users. Each document trail spanned the duration of the employee’s time with the agency, resulting in a repository containing hundreds of millions of documents. The existing system used […]

Press Release

Tampa Bay Tech Software CEO Council Meets Virtually to Discuss Important Initiatives During COVID-19

TAMPA, Fla. September 9, 2020 – In August, Tampa Bay Tech’s Software CEO Council (TBSC) met to tackle what so many CEOs and founders are experiencing right now as the country continues to reopen. The outlook was optimistic amongst the group as all attendees reported that their businesses were maintaining financial stability and growing headcount. […]

Press Release

Accusoft Partners with TEAM Informatics on M-Connect for M-Files

TAMPA, Fla. –  TEAM Informatics is developing a new product called M-Connect, which leverages Accusoft’s PrizmDoc Viewer. M-Connect extends and enhances the capabilities of the M-Files Intelligent Information Management platform. As part of M-Connect’s functionality, TEAM Informatics needed to provide the ability for users to access, view, collaborate, and search information within different document formats. […]

Press Release

Accusoft Releases New JavaScript PDF Library

On March 10, 2021, Accusoft announced the arrival of the free-to-use Accusoft PDF Viewer, the latest addition to its family of PDF solutions. An entirely client-side integration with no complicated server dependencies, this lightweight JavaScript PDF viewer also features a responsive UI for out-of-the-box mobile support. “We’re excited to offer this free version of the […]

Press Release

Accusoft Unveils Innovative PrizmDoc Hybrid Viewing Feature

December 6, 2022 – Tampa, FL – Accusoft is excited to announce the latest innovative feature update to PrizmDoc, its industry-leading document processing integration. The new PrizmDoc Hybrid Viewing feature offloads the majority of processing work for document viewing from the PrizmDoc server to the client’s device.  While initial conversion and preparation is handled server-side, […]

Blog Post

PrizmDoc® for Java Improves Loan Processing Times by 40% for a Leading Mortgage Lender

  Enterprises are continuously engaged in a process of evaluating their operations to identify opportunities for improvement. When one of the world’s leading mortgage lenders took a closer look at how it was handling documents to process applications, it quickly recognized the need to implement a solution that would allow them to scale capacity and […]

Press Release

PrizmDoc Viewer v13.21 Adds Ability to Convert PDF documents to MS Word (DOCX)

On July 12, 2022, Accusoft announced the latest update to PrizmDoc, its industry-leading document processing integration. The PrizmDoc 13.21 update improves existing features and adds key functionality related to format support, redaction capabilities, content conversion, and more, allowing developers to offer enhanced functionality within their applications.  One of the main improvements in this release is […]